Commissioning and service
JB Safe Diesel offers more than quality products. Our team of qualified field technicians is ready to support clients during installation, initial start-up and provide service to maintain equipment safety features over entire lifetime.
JB Group field technicians are trained to perform commissioning and service on JB Safe Diesel equipment including:
- SafeCooler kits
- SafePack and SafeGen engine units
- 3GHI Protection system
- DECAM control system
Our personnel have all certificates required to attend offshore installation in Norwegian, Danish, and British sector.
Back in 2019, JB Safe Diesel started pilot program with remote connection suitcase intended for OTA (over the air) troubleshooting of our safety and control systems. This initiative was appreciated by our clients, and currently we are offering it as our standard service. Remote connection suitcase allows our software engineer to establish connection with the equipment from our base in Norway, so we can troubleshoot without sending personnel onsite. Remote connection suitcase can be sent to worldwide and reach destination within 24 hours. Installation is easy and can be performed by equipment operator. Connection is established via LAN cable, or over 4G mobile network.