Fire extinguisher systems
JB Well Solutions offers our own SafeGuard™ fire extinguisher systems for containerized equipment based on 3M™ Novec™ 1230 extinguishing fluid.
JB Well Solutions use these systems for our own containerized unit products and also do upgrades of existing units to comply to DNVGL-ST-E272 and Solas. The Novec™ fire-extinguishing system is specially developed for use with the 3M™ Novec™ 1230 extinguishing fluid and its effectiveness has been proven with independent and controlled fire tests. Novec™ has been approved without limitation by SNAP (the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Significant New Alternatives Program) and is listed in the European ELINCS-list.
The Novec™ system has also been approved by VDS, LPCD, UL, FM, DNV, ABS, BV, NSI, BZI, DMA MCA, LRA and RINA amongst others and is accepted and included in the ISO 14520. If you compare its properties with Halon you will understand why the Novec™ fire-extinguishing installation is the best long-term solution to protect your assets.
- Certified extinguishing system in accordance with DNVGL-ST-E272 and SOLAS 1974 Convention.
- Certified extinguishing fluid in accordance with DNVGL-ST-E272 and SOLAS 1974 Convention.
- Novec installations are specially constructed to use Novec™ 1230 extinguishing fluid.
- Available in bottle sizes from 3 to 412kg.(standardized on 18 kg for 8-22ft containers).
- JB Group own technicians do yearly certification and maintenance of delivered systems.
- Space saving. A Novec™ 1230 18 kg bottle equals Inergen 50 liter, 300bar system.
- Can be combined with wide range of detecting devices for use in hazardous area.
- An emptying time of less than 10 seconds.
- Automatic pressure monitoring.
- Low pressure system.
- Easy re-filling.
Release methods:
- Manual release (standard)
- Electrical Ex ll 2GEEx d llC T4 to T6. To be used with an IR detector, temperature sensor etc. (Optional).
- Gas-driven (nitrogen) release (Optional).